Arresting Mason, a Romantic Suspense from Amber Daulton

I am so excited to welcome Amber Daulton to the blog this week. Amber is sharing her hot romantic suspense novel, Arresting Mason with us. Please help us give Amber a big Welcome! We are all excited to hear more about Arresting Mason.

Q&A with Amber Daulton:

Q: Where is your favorite place to write?
A: My office, but I don’t have a choice in that. My sorely missed laptop crashed a while back, so now I’m working on an old desktop computer. Bookshelves cover each wall, and I have cute little decorations like stuffed animals, shiny wall hangings, seashells, and butterflies everywhere. I love sitting on the padded window bench staring out at the flowers and bushes in the backyard while I’m reading. It’s very relaxing.

My stained desk was scratched up a few years ago when my husband and I moved to our new house, so my hubby sanded it down and I painted it an off-white color and drew ivy and flowers on the legs. It’s very whimsical now and fits great with my frou-frou decorations.

Q: What inspires you as an author?
A: I find inspiration from the world around me. What’s going on in the news, with my friends and family, reading books, and watching movies. A lot of story ideas come from my dreams, and believe me, my imagination can be very vivid and sometimes scary.

Q: Why do you write romance and why your genre of romance?
A: I love happy endings with people falling in love, so that’s why I read and write about it. As for the sub-genres, I need variety, so I write what I like to read.

I have eleven stories currently published in these romantic sub-genres: historical, time travel, romantic-suspense, contemporary western, contemporary romance, erotic romance, and New Adult. My books range between sweet (no sex, sex behind closed doors, and mild petting) to spicy (hot scenes and explicit scenes with dirty language).

Q: What are you working on next and when can we expect to see it?
A: The second installment in the Arresting Onyx series should hopefully be out sometime in 2020. Arresting Jeremiah follows hardnosed parole officer Jim Borden and his obsession Calista Barlow as they stick their noses where they don’t belong and fall deep into the trouble with the criminal organization known as Onyx. This sexy, dirty-talking romantic suspense series spans five books with a standalone HEA for each rough-and-tumble hero and their spunky heroines. The first book is already published.

Q: What would you do if you couldn’t write?
A: I love crafts, especially jewelry-making and scrapbooking, and I’d love to learn how to make candles. If I couldn’t write, I’d like to start up an Internet business and sell the things I make.

Q: How do you spend your free time?
A: Reading, playing with my cats, playing games with my hubby, and watching marathon-long TV shows.

Q: Do you listen to music when you write? What is your go-to playlist and why?
A: No way. Music distracts me from writing. I need silence or background noise like a whirling ceiling fan, traffic, or static to help me focus.

Q: How do you, your friends and your fans encourage you when you need a pick-me-up?
A: My husband is very supportive and always reads my work. When I’m feeling down or stressed, we’ll spend hours just talking about writing, how the publishing industry has changed over the years, and bounce story ideas off each other (he’s an aspiring writer, so I help him with his WIP while he helps me with mine). He’ll hug and kiss me, and tell me to not stress so much, which is really hard to do.

I belong to a few online writing groups (I mostly frequent Marketing for Romance Writers, Rom-Critters, and my publisher’s groups), and the authors there are always willing to swap critiques, give advice, and share their own experiences about writing and life in general.

It’s always great to run across a good book review, but it really helps when I’m not feeling so great about my writing career. A few kind words can boost my spirit, so I really appreciate all the readers that review my books.

 About Arresting Mason:

Once you’re in a prison gang, you’re in it for life. That’s what Mason Harding thought until the boss accepted his resignation. After the State releases him on parole, a sexy divorcée behind the wheel of a car almost ends his life quicker than a shank. His chance encounter with Mia Eddison results in a night of passion, but her brother—his parole officer—catches them together and doesn’t approve.

Mia falls hard for the cocky ex-con, but not because of his chiseled body. She vows to break through his walls and discover his secrets, but never expects those secrets to threaten her life.

When members of an organized crime ring kidnap Mia to force Mason’s return to the gang, he goes up against an old friend to save the woman he loves. Will his sacrifice be enough or will everything fall apart in a blaze of gunfire?

5-flame romantic-suspense

Arresting Mason Links:

Audio Buy Links:

Excerpt from Arresting Mason:

They reached her store and he stared at her car parked by the curb. “Harper doesn’t know where you live or anything about you. That means you’re safe for now, but he’ll probably search this area to find us. Stay cautious, okay? Drive your car from now on. Don’t walk anywhere.”

“Why are you avoiding my questions? You can tell me anything.”

“Not this. If you trust me, don’t ask those kinds of questions.” He tightened his fingers around her forearm as she tried to jerk free from his grip. “Listen to me, damn it. You mean a lot to me, but I can’t tell you this. At least not right now. That’s nothing against you. It’s all on me. I just need time to take care of this problem. Okay? I’m fucking stressed, in a shitload of pain, and I don’t need you to hound my ass.” He dropped his hand from her arm and scowled as though he just noticed the dirt and blood on his knuckles. “I’d like to go upstairs to clean up before you take me home. I don’t want Alan to know what happened.”

Mia dug through her purse with shaky hands, so angry she didn’t trust herself to speak.

He took the keys from her before the little pieces of metal slipped between her fingers, and he hugged her despite the grime on his skin and clothes.

Tears clogged her throat. Her mind screamed at her to push away from him, but the strength in his arms enveloped her and stole her will. His heartbeat soothed hers, and she no longer cared about his lies or if filth caked him.

At least not at the moment.

“I never meant for this to happen, Mia. I will fix this.”

“I know, but at what cost?” She pried her face from his chest to stare up at him. “You’re nothing if not determined, but I’m scared and confused. You have answers to my questions, but I won’t hound you for them as you so eloquently stated. I just thought we got past this. I thought you knew I would never insult or condemn you for whatever it is you did.”

“And I thought you knew not to push me too fucking hard.” His deep voice sent shivers of unease down her spine. “I have to keep certain parts of my past to myself.”

“Whatever.” Mia finally pushed against his chest for freedom and stomped to the stairwell door.

 About the Author:

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

Amber lives in North Carolina with her husband and four demanding cats. Feel free to visit her at

 Amber’s Social Media Links:






  1. Madison and Amber, great interview! Amber, your hubby sounds a great deal like mine–he’s so supportive and because he also writes, we can talk about plots and characters and I don’t worry that I’m boring him to death, lol. Your Arresting Onyx series sounds wonderful! I’m going to start with Jeremiah right now.

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