The Guy From The Flower Shop, a sweet romance short story by Birdie Song

Please help us give a very warm welcome to Birdie Song. Birdie is here to share her sweet romance short story, The Guy From The Flower Shop. Welcome, Birdie! We are all excited to hear about The Guy From The Flower Shop.

What great weather we’re having…

Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Maddy!

Hey, everyone, I wanted to tell you about what inspires my writing. I live in Western Australia and we get beautiful weather here. Even when it’s dastardly hot or miserably wet, it’s kind of beautiful in its own way. And, well, it gives us something to talk about because it’s pretty pleasant for most of the year.

Summer is my favourite season, and the inspiration for the series of books and stories I’m working on at the moment. Set in the fictional suburban “town” (more like a cluster of suburbs here) of Somerville Downs, based loosely on the areas I grew up in, the stories feature lovely Perth climate, contemporary Australian touches, and a hint of our local slang.

The first story, The Guy From The Flower Shop, is a sweet first date short between two Downs residents meeting for the first time. It’s available as a free download for all my newsletter subscribers.

About The Guy From The Flower Shop:

Su-Li’s had her fair share of dud dates and bad boyfriends, and when her cousin sets her up on a blind date, she doesn’t know what to expect. But despite his awkwardness, Chris from the flower shop shows his true colours, proving romance can blossom for anyone, with just a little care.

Available as a free download for all my newsletter subscribers. Get the book now.


Excerpt from The Guy From The Flower Shop:

Su-Li wasn’t sure about this. Even after chewing it over for a month before agreeing to this blind date, then spending the last week making peace with her decision, she still wondered if she should have said no.

But Rachel just wouldn’t shut up about how lovely this Chris guy was. She campaigned so hard, Su-Li wondered if her cousin was secretly working on commission. She knew next to nothing about him, except that he worked in the fancy flower shop in Greenmount. And, if she was being honest, posh florists weren’t really the kinds of guys she went for.

But what convinced her in the end was Rach’s blunt and painful truth. That all the guys Su had ever dated or gone out with—aka. gone up in flames with—had one thing in common besides being jerks: Su had chosen them herself.

Fine, so she was attracted to a certain type. If the dates didn’t end up turning into debates, it was his self-absorbed “I’m always right” attitude that ended up eventually killing her attraction to the guy. She thought she’d picked a winner with Mike, her last boyfriend, the one she’d crossed the four-month mark with. But that ended badly too.

Su took a deep breath and put away the pang in her chest, distracting herself by chipping old paint off the park bench where she sat. Mike had said some hurtful things when they broke up, things she struggled to forget. Even as she waited for Chris to arrive, she contemplated texting her ex to ask if he wanted to meet up later.

But when she opened her messaging app, she pictured her cousin, stern-faced and shaking her head, telling Su off once again for picking a loser and letting him get under her skin. Good ol’ Rach, always looking out for her.

“Excuse me, are you Su-Li?”

About Birdie Song:

Birdie Song is an Asian-Australian writer of sweet stories about people falling in love. Right now, she’s working on The Guy From The Wedding, a sweet contemporary romance about two jaded individuals finding honesty and healing as their relationship blossoms. If you like, you can follow the first draft on Wattpad, available for a limited time.


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