Music for a Merman, a Fantasy Romance from Alice Renaud

Alice Renaud is here this week to share her Fantasy Romance, Music for a Merman. Music for a Merman is the second book in her Sea of Love Series. Please help us give a very warm welcome to Alice! We are all excited to hear more about Music for a Merman and your Sea of Love Series.

Guest Post for Alice Renaud:

When I was a teenager (I started writing at the age of 14) my favorite place to write was the big garden in my parents’ house, in Brittany (France). Nowadays I find the desk and laptop more comfortable and convenient, but I still get my best ideas in the garden of my house or the nearby park. I get a lot of my inspiration from nature. My characters in the Sea of Love series are shape shifting mermen, who in their aquatic form look and behave a lot like dolphins. They share their life with sea creatures and are close to them.

Fantasy is my first love – I decided to become a writer after reading The Lord of the Rings when I was 12. I’m also a romantic at heart, so fantasy romance and paranormal romance are a natural fit for me. My Sea of Love series follows three young merpeople who each fall in love with a human, in defiance of the rules of their people. They have tough choices to make as they decide whether to follow the laws of the merpeople, or the law of their heart. Each book in the series is a standalone story focusing on a different couple. The first book, A Merman’s Choice, was published in January 2019 by Black Velvet Seductions.

The hero in the second book, Music for a Merman, is a shape shifting merman working as a cop among the humans. When he falls in love with a feisty eco-warrior, his life is turned upside-down, and so is hers. The third book in the series, Mermaids Marry in Green, will be out later this year. I am now working on the first book in my next series, Conjuring Love, about time-travelling warlocks and witches.

I love reading, and watching TV shows – mainly fantasy and science-fiction, but I also like historical and contemporary romance. I’m currently reading Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series and loving it.

I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them!

About Music for a Merman:

Rob Regor knew that humans were trouble. All the shape shifting mermen of the Morvann Islands knew it. And human women were double trouble… especially when they were lying on the road in front of a digger.

Rob has a mission. Go to the mainland. Work as a policeman. Spy on humans. Report back to his father, the head of the Regor Merman Clan. It should be easy. Until he has to arrest Charlie. Rob can’t fight his attraction to the sexy eco-warrior, and it puts him on one hell of a collision course with his family and his Clan. Will he break the rules – or break her heart, and his?

Love ‘em and leave ‘em, that was Charlie’s motto. It had served her well until now. But Rob is different… Can she open up her heart to Rob – when a secret buried in her past surfaces and changes her completely?

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Series: Sea of Love (Book 2)

Buy Links for Music for a Merman:

Excerpt from Music for a Merman:

Rob Regor knew that humans were trouble. All the shape-shifting mermen of the Morvann Islands knew it. And human women were double trouble.

Especially when they were lying on the road in front of a digger.

The site manager strode up to him. “Can you move her, officer? I’m already behind schedule.” His tone was polite, but his clenched fists told another story.

A gaggle of locals and tourists had gathered behind him. Their eyes bore into Rob, some curious, some hostile. Unease crept across his scalp. Many locals in St-Sulien opposed the development of this stretch of Welsh coast, and tempers in the village had been running high. He could have a mini-riot on his hands if he didn’t take control.

The thought was like a kick to the backside. This was his first real challenge as a rookie cop. He had to show his superiors that he could handle it.

He adjusted his cap and strode to the horizontal figure on the asphalt. She looked so vulnerable, with her head resting inches away from the giant vehicle’s wheels. Her tight jeans and red T-shirt were streaked with dirt, her mane of black curls grey with dust. He wondered how long she’d been lying there.

“Miss. Please get up.” He hoped that he’d got the tone right. He wanted to sound firm, not too fierce or too pleading. He still found the nuances of human speech tricky at times.

Two amber eyes, as bright and challenging as a leopard’s, stared up at him. “No chance.”

Prickles of annoyance displaced his unease. Even for a human, this was ridiculous behaviour. Dangerous, too. One wrong move from the driver, and the digger would flatten her. “Miss, you can’t stay here.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not moving.”

Someone sniggered. Irritation swept over Rob’s body like a rash. He was a merman warrior of the Regor Clan, damn it. He wasn’t going to let a bunch of humans ridicule him.

He straightened his uniform. He’d have preferred to arrest her away from the crowd, but she wasn’t giving him that option. “Miss, I am Police Constable Rob Regor. I am arresting you on suspicion of aggravated trespass. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when interrogated, something which you later rely on in court—”

She interrupted him with an exaggerated sigh. “Spare me the routine; I’ve heard it all before. And it’s ‘questioned’ not ‘interrogated’.”

Great, now she was correcting him. In public. It was getting better and better.

“Anything you do say may be given in evidence!” He caught himself. He was snapping. He couldn’t let his temper show too much in front of that crowd. He counted to ten to simmer down. “Right, miss. I am going to put my hands under your armpits and lift you up.”

She studied him with narrowed eyes, then her mouth relaxed into the beginnings of a smile. “You can put your hands wherever you like, officer.”

About the Author:

UK Office Staff Portraits

Alice lives in London, UK, with her husband and son. By day she’s a compliance manager for a pharmaceutical company. By night she writes fantasy romance about shape shifting mermen, water monsters and time-travelling witches. Her first book, “A Merman’s Choice,” was published in January 2019 by Black Velvet Seductions. It is the first book in a fantasy romance trilogy inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. The second book, “Music for a Merman,” is out now and the third, “Mermaids Marry in Green” will be released later this year. Alice has also written a short story, “The Sweetest Magic of All,” included in the BVS “Mystic Desire” anthology, out now. Alice loves reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who’s interested!

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  1. I do enjoy your stories. They are so unique and whimsical. Rumor has it there’s a space cowboy coming out soon. Looking forward to that!

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