Moonlight Kisses and MugShots, a romantic suspense from Lorelei Confer

We are always so happy to see Lorelei Confer is visiting the blog. She’s a busy lady and has brought a lot of news with her today. Help us welcome Lorelei to the blog this week. Without further ado take Welcome Lorelei and I hand it over to you!

For the first time ever, I entered a cover contest at Allauthor and it finalised, so I’m promoting it although the month of June: Here’s the link to vote: so please take a moment and vote. I’d greatly appreciate it along with the cover artist.

Q&A with Lorelei Confer: 

Which genre or genres do you write or prefer to write? And why?

I write romantic suspense. I started writing in the fourth grade and then diaries and journals about real life, glum as it was in rural PA. Then I grew up and wrote about feelings and emotions and what if something terrible happened. A few years ago, I tried writing plain contemporary romance but got stuck about five short chapters in; I added suspense and the Saddle Creek series was started.

Who influenced you the most in deciding to become a writer? 

My fourth grade teacher, my seventh grade teacher, my eleventh gr….mostly teachers and professors. It’s what I excelled in. And also, it was a way to get my angst about adulting, men, war, etc. out and on paper.

What gets your creative juices flowing?

Thinking about my current wip(s). Currently, I’m working on at least four: two novellas for the second Saddle Creek series, the second Saddle Creek Christmas Romance and the 6th book in the Saddle Creek series, which is untitled. I loved the secondary characters in the first four books, and I asked myself, shouldn’t they have their own story?

So, a secondary character from Rustlers and Romance, Edie Benner, and Deputy Tom Miles from Moonlight Kisses and MugShots (on preorder now and releases August 25) are in one wip I’m finishing up. Susan, the owner of Rosie’s Diner and John, Sheriff Mitch Rogers’ uncle are in another and then there’s one more, a full novel on another couple for early next year.

My other series, Deadly, had two new releases in 2020, Deadly Homecoming and Deadly Gamble and I have an idea and title for a third; Deadly Intuition and have bits and pieces of thoughts and characters written and they’re all named. I’m also working on a military alpha hero story for Susan Stoker’s series and a similar one for Desiree Holts’ series.

I’m a pantster, (writing by the seat of my pants) and my characters tell me where they’re going and they develop the plot, sometimes it’s “too stupid” and I delete everything I wrote the previous day and start over. Other times I marvel about where they come up with this stuff; such a good idea.

What’s the hardest thing about writing for you?

Names. I have the hardest time coming up with names. I have to write a few chapters before I learn the character enough to choose a suitable name or I usually use Joe and Mary at the beginning.

Who would you love most to meet ‘in person’ and why?

Kurt Russell-I love that he’s a libertarian, his blue eyes, and his lifetime commitment to Goldie Hawn as well as a child actor who remained true to his acting career as he became an adult actor.

What are you working on now? 

I had/have five releases this year: two in the Deadly series: Deadly Homecoming and Deadly Gamble, two in the Saddle Creek series: Moonlight Kisses and MugShots and A Christmas Romance and then I have a short story, a spin-off from the Saddle Creek series, A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot, as a part of the Romances on the Range.

The two Deadly releases are out and in KU for $.99 and Fr$$ for KU. A Cowboy’s Sweet Spot is a part of the Romances on the Range, also $.99 at Amazon, and released April 14th.

Moonlight Kisses and MugShots is the Sheriff’s story in the Saddle Creek series is on preorder now and releases August 25th. I’m having a Facebook release party for it so watch for the link.

And then there’s the second Christmas story in the Saddle Creek Christmas Romance, where all the characters from the series share a special Christmas together and each couple learns the true meaning of Christmas.

About Moonlight Kisses and MugShots:

Moonlight Kisses and MugShots (Saddle Creek Book 4) by [Lorelei Confer]Veronica (Ronnie) Travis, Miami policewoman, now a Saddle Creek, WY Sheriff’s Deputy and the new owner of Travis B&B, thanks to her Aunt Sally, who leads her on a scavenger hunt to discover her illegal activities.

Sheriff Mitch Rogers, a permanent non-paying guest at Travis B&B is convinced the late owner of the B&B had secrets; big ones. And hopes to find out what it is from his new deputy, Ronnie, If he can only keep it professional between them.

After Rosie’s Diner becomes a crime scene with an ensuing investigation, Ronnie has to sacrifice everything she’s come to love and treasure, but is Mitch included? Or is Ronnie leading Mitch on a wild goose chase just like her Aunt Sally?

Lorelei’s Romantic Suspense Book Club:

Mid-May I created Lorelei’s Romantic Suspense Book Club and we meet via zoom Wednesday’s 7-8:30 pm est and I invite a guest author to share their writing journey. I’ve had Desiree Holt, Catherine Bybee, Anna Blakely just to name a few and this week is Kendra Elliott. It’s a face to face encounter so many readers come to meet their favorites; authors meeting authors and authors meeting readers. No masks, no social distancing, simply sharing and networking. So far, it’s been great, and I have learned so much from both. Anyone can come to any or all meetings.

Here the link:

NewsLetter Info:

In the past I only sent a newsletter when I had a new release but this year, I decided to punch it up a notch and swap with some other authors and for the last couple months I’ve done 2-3 newsletters per month. I’ve had great results and an uptick in sales as well.

I definitely have my work cut out for me, not just the writing and the editing but also the promo. It seems to take more and more time with each new release.

Thank you for having me, Maddy! I appreciate your time and effort.

About the Author:

     Lorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid-west coast of Florida with her high school sweetheart, now husband, and AJ, her longhaired Chihuahua.

In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story—something about getting a shot at the doctors—that was produced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a journal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam.

She is a multi-published author of romantic suspense with two series: The Deadly series and the Saddle Creek series along with numerous others and novellas. She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, sign up for her newsletters.

Where to find her:

Get to know Lorelei Confer better by signing up for her email newsletter at the following link:




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