Tag romance novel

5 Things to Know (and Embrace) about Book Review

I don’t know about you, but I get most of my book recommendations from two sources – Amazon recommendations and my friends. Amazon has that powerful algorithm, studying all my buying behaviors and spitting out a long list of books…

What Makes a Novel a Romance?

There are as many definitions of romance as there are dictionaries. The most common definition, and the most widely accepted, is a “feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.” But all of the definitions digress quickly, adding statements like…

Ungranted Wishes by Grace Risata

Today, it is my pleasure to introduce a new author and a new genre to my site. Grace Risata has shared a bit of her paranormal Romantic comedy, Ungranted Wishes. I just have to love a fellow hotdog lover. Check…

Announcing Maddy’s Romance Madness

  I am excited to announce that I am expanding my blog to two days per week. Next week, I will kick off Maddy’s Romance Madness every Tuesday. Romance Madness is a weekly introduction to other romance authors, some new…