Tag Beguiling Bachelors

Writing a Series? Plan Ahead, Plan Ahead

With all the excitement of participating in Sultry Nights, my first collection – and believe me I am excited – I have failed to provide an update on my other work, specifically the fourth book of the Beguiling Bachelor Series. Actually, I…

The Heat is Almost Here! Can you Feel it?

There are two things I have always loved – a great read and a bargain. Okay three – let’s not forget chocolate. When I was younger, I hounded used bookstores, trading a bag of books I’d read for a stack…

A Vacation Discovery: Romance Novels

It is with great pleasure, that I introduce today’s guest blogger, Sandra Berman. Sandy and I have known each other forever. We met during our corporate days over a box of Frango Mints, a Chicago delicacy that you can buy…

What Makes a Novel a Romance?

There are as many definitions of romance as there are dictionaries. The most common definition, and the most widely accepted, is a “feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.” But all of the definitions digress quickly, adding statements like…