Tag Bedeviled

The Heat is Almost Here! Can you Feel it?

There are two things I have always loved – a great read and a bargain. Okay three – let’s not forget chocolate. When I was younger, I hounded used bookstores, trading a bag of books I’d read for a stack…

5 Guaranteed Ways to Fail at Blogging

It’s Thursday and I need content – again. I am not alone in getting the jitters when Thursday comes around. Other bloggers all over the world feel the same way every week, every month or even every day. Content, new original…

Ungranted Wishes by Grace Risata

Today, it is my pleasure to introduce a new author and a new genre to my site. Grace Risata has shared a bit of her paranormal Romantic comedy, Ungranted Wishes. I just have to love a fellow hotdog lover. Check…